check-in with yourself


There's a lot going on in the world right now. It’s important to check in with ourselves to ask:

How am I doing?

How are my friends doing?

How do I deal with stress in my everyday life?

This anonymous program developed at the University of Washington was designed to be a private, personal, self-check in for young adults ages 18-29 in Washington.

check-in with yourself

The program is designed to:

  • help you reflect and provide some perspective on how you are feeling and how you tend to cope
  • provide information on what other young adults are feeling and doing, including stats like what % feel lonely, drink alcohol, or use marijuana
  • tips and suggestions for managing stress and improving well-being
  • a list of resources if you need more support
part 1

This program is personalized to you.

Tips, tools, and info in the program are based on your answers to a few simple questions.

part 2

Any info you share is anonymous.

You’ll have the option to sign-up for texts with a link to your personalized resources and tips at the end of the program.

part 3

You can customize a list of resources

Throughout the program, we’ll provide links to resources like videos, articles, and more. You can save the ones you want to a custom list.

First, we’ll ask you a few questions to personalize the program for you.